Scientific Contributions

Phase Equilibria in Ni-P-Sn

Hans Flandorfer
Talk or oral contribution
16.5.2007 - 16.5.2007

Phase Equilibria in Ni-P-Sn

Herbert Ipser
Talk or oral contribution
16.5.2007 - 16.5.2007

Lead-Free Solders: Phase Relationships and Thermochemistry of Ag-Ni-Sn

Clemens Schmetterer
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Lead-Free Solders: Phase Relationships and Thermochemistry of Ag-Ni-Sn

Hans Flandorfer
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Lead-Free Solders: Phase Relationships and Thermochemistry of Ag-Ni-Sn

Usman Saeed
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Lead-Free Solders: Phase Relationships and Thermochemistry of Ag-Ni-Sn

Herbert Ipser
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Ni as a Contact Material in Lead-Free Soldering: IMC Formation

Clemens Schmetterer
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Ni as a Contact Material in Lead-Free Soldering: IMC Formation

Hans Flandorfer
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Ni as a Contact Material in Lead-Free Soldering: IMC Formation

Sabine Knott
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Ni as a Contact Material in Lead-Free Soldering: IMC Formation

Herbert Ipser
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Why are Thermodynamic Data Derived from emf Measurements Necessary for the Development of Electronic Materials?

Adolf Mikula
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

Why are Thermodynamic Data Derived from emf Measurements Necessary for the Development of Electronic Materials?

Sabine Knott
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2007 - 25.2.2007

An investigation of phase equilibria in the system Al-Cu-Si

Norbert Ponweiser , Klaus Richter
12th Austrian Chemistry Days, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Conference, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Chemical bonding in Co4Al7+xSi2-x

Klaus Richter , Yuri Grin , Yurii Prots
Workshop on Electron Localizability and Analysis of Chemical Bonding
Seminar/Workshop, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Das akustische Modell des Elektronenaufbaus im PSE

Hans Flandorfer , Herbert Ipser , Peter Lechner
8. Europäischer Chemielehrerkongress
Conference, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Das Österreichische Kompetenzzentrum für Didaktik der Chemie - AECC Chemie

Herbert Ipser , Christa Koenne , Gerhard Kern , Christoph Luef , Rosina Steininger
8. Europäischer Chemielehrerkongress
Conference, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Entwicklung von bleifreien Loten: Beiträge aus der Materialchemie

Herbert Ipser , Clemens Schmetterer , Hans Flandorfer
Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2007
Conference, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Ni-P-Sn: Theoretical and Experimental Results

Jiri Vizdal , Herbert Ipser , Clemens Schmetterer , Alexander A. Kodentsov
Nicht angegeben
Other, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Fortbildungsveranstaltungen des Fachdidaktischen Zentrums für Chemie der universität Wien

Herbert Ipser , Christoph Luef , Adolf Mikula , Hans Flandorfer
8. Europäischer Chemielehrerkongress
Conference, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007

Partial ordering in the system Hf-Zr-Ge: experimental determination and ab-initio modeling

Norbert Ponweiser , Klaus Richter , Piotr Warczok
Nicht angegeben
Other, Poster presentation
..2007 - ..2007